A Dream Day for Sure!
All I can say is, "could this day get any better?" Probably not. Let me explain. The day started with me attending our MAFCA Board meeting. Nan on the other hand went with Wayne & Sue and Mike & Grace to explore some great lakes lighthouses. At the board meeting I reported on my efforts on making a major change in the production of the of The Restorer starting with the Sept/Oct issue. As for Nan and the others, they made it to a great lighthouse, the only problems were the black flies.
The weather was again unpredictable. Rain then sun, then thunder, very unusual for sure. We managed to dodge the rain and by the time the banquet rolled around it was nice and sunny.
Inside the banquet hall, the first thing you noticed was the Model A show cars. I have to say that Mike's Coupe looked pretty awesome in this line up. We did some socializing with our new friends from the UP. Dinner was served and before long it was time to introduce the convention's special guests for the evening; Mr. Bob Kreipke, Ford Motor Co. Historian AND Mr. Edsel Ford II, great grandson of Henry Ford. How exciting is that! Mr Ford gave a wonderful talk about his great grandparents and the development of the Model A. For me, personally, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk to someone who's heritage is closely tied to the development of the Model A. As Russ Thompson would say "it doesn't get any better than this - what a club."

Don Haygood, Chief Vehicle Judge, did a great job handling the Vehicle Awards. He expedited the process and everything went very smoothly. We all got excited when he got to the Touring class cars. Mike's name was called, so we new he got a trophy, we just didn't know which one. Don called the names and he eventually got to Mike and when he announced the Mike got 410 points, first Place and a MAFCA Award of excellence, Mike was shocked. Needless to say I think you could have knocked Mike over with a feather. What a treat it was to cheer for Mike when he was on stage. Following the awards Edsel Ford II personally congratulated Mike on his restoration. Is that special or what?
So, is there any way this day could have been any better? I don't think so.
Tomorrow, it's time to pack up and get back on the road for home.
Wow! Congrats Mike on the award! That is exciting!!!
Bill, Adele Gavin & Danica Doyle